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Idling campaigns

Changing behaviour, raising awareness and reducing emissions

We have delivered idling campaigns for local authorities across the UK, the Mayor of London and many schools and hospitals.

Low pollution route maps

Designed by kids, for kids, these maps help children breathe cleaner air every day

We work with schools and Eco Teams to monitor pollution levels and identify low pollution routes for pupils to walk to school, helping families to breathe cleaner air every day.

Carbon footprinting and energy audits

Helping businesses to identify their big impacts and reduce emissions

This is one of our most popular services. We love helping organisations to work out how best to reduce their environmental impact in line with their business objectives.

Services: Services
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Cleaner Air for Bus Drivers

Helping bus drivers to understand how they can reduce their exposure to pollution - one way is to not idle at bus stands.

Business Engagment programmes

We run air quality engagement programmes with businesses, on behalf of local authorities such as City of London Corporation

Personal exposure monitoring

Helping kids to measure the pollution levels on different routes to school

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